Terms of Service
Opening Statement
The Terms and Conditions for Prime Job Opportunites are contained herein. Your further navigation of Prime Job Opportunites creates a binding agreement between you, Prime Job Opportunites to uphold the Terms and Conditions. IT should be noted that our Terms and Conditions may be updated regularly without notice. Please be sure to check the Terms and Conditions from time to time to ensure your awareness is updated.
Reference to the privacy policy
Prime Job Opportunites is governed by the Privacy Policy found here. Our policy explains how we manage and protect the personal information we collect as well as noting that we comply with the Federal Children’s Online Privacy Act.
Content is free for users
Like many websites you may have encountered, Prime Job Opportunites relies upon the revenue created through advertising relationships. You should expect to encounter advertising on Prime Job Opportunites, and some may be fairly customized.
The purpose of Prime Job Opportunites is to create revenues from the advertisements we present to our users as they interact with our content. There are no other endorsed uses of our content permitted.
Third party content, referrals/redirection to third parties
Prime Job Opportunites does not perform checks or assurances regarding the materials presented to users by 3rd parties, nor does it perform any checks specific to links to 3rd party websites. Further, Prime Job Opportunites has no oversight or control over any aspect of 3rd party websites.
Restricted information types: No financial information is crossing the website
Prime Job Opportunites is not used as a means of obtaining or transacting financial details with users. Should you find you have been asked for such information, please inform us at henrymathews@primejobopportunities.com.
Copyright statement & notes related to copyright infringement
© 2025 Prime Job Opportunites. All Rights Reserved.
All content (including images, graphics, designs and other materials presented) are the sole property of Prime Job Opportunites. No reproduction, copying or other uses of these properties is permitted without the expressed written consent of Prime Job Opportunites.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Any violation of Intellectual Property, trademarks or other proprietary materials may be met with litigation by the Prime Job Opportunites in pursuit of damages.
Not an e-commerce website
Prime Job Opportunites is not an E-commerce website by design. Prime Job Opportunites does not allow any form of commercial to be transacted within any of the Prime Job Opportunites properties.
Children’s Privacy: not designed for use by children.
As it is illegal to collect personal information from individuals under the legal age of 13 years old, Prime Job Opportunites makes it clear that users should be of legal age before sharing any information. Prime Job Opportunites go to great lengths to avoid the risk of acquiring personal information from people under 13 years of age.
Intended audience: US Only
Non-US users are not the intended audience for Prime Job Opportunites. Prime Job Opportunites welcomes US residents to take full advantage of the services offered.
Contact Us
We want to hear from you. Please direct your questions, concerns and suggestions to henrymathews@primejobopportunities.com.
Prohibited activities
Any use of Prime Job Opportunites other than for the clearly stated purpose of obtaining content and transacting per clear instructions is strictly forbidden. Under no circumstances is it allowed for visitors to engage in actions that may cause damage to Prime Job Opportunites properties, technologies and other users. It is also forbidden for visitors to use Prime Job Opportunites for uses other than those clearly offered and articulated.
Termination clause: Sole discretion for user removal for any reason
Prime Job Opportunites is under no obligation to provide access or services to any individual. Therefore, Prime Job Opportunites may limit or terminate Prime Job Opportunites access to any person at any time. Individuals have no recourse or remedy other than to petition Prime Job Opportunites for reinstatement consideration.
Audience and Governing Law
Prime Job Opportunites is a United States based website that intends to service residents of the US and adheres to US applicable laws.